Ground Segment

Our Ground Segment serves as the foundation of our space operations, housing cutting-edge technology and facilities that enable seamless communication with our satellite and other space assets. Located strategically at UAEU in Al Ain, adjacent to the NSSTC building, this essential hub ensures the success of our missions.


As part of the ground segment, the ground station is strategically located at UAEU in Al Ain, adjacent to the NSSTC building.



Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the Ground Segment features dish antennas for S/X band communication and a dedicated UHF antenna for UHF band communication, supported by advanced auto-tracking capabilities for precise CubeSat communication. Signals are received across the X, S, and UHF bands, enabling comprehensive data acquisition and real-time monitoring. In addition to a Radio Array Facility dedicated to research and development in space technology, featuring a radio array system, providing an ideal platform for research experiments and studies.


Mission Control

In the heart of our operations, Mission Control coordinates CubeSat missions with precision. We transmit commands and data in the S and UHF bands, ensuring critical communication with our CubeSats, while also receiving vital information across the X, S, and UHF bands for seamless tracking and data retrieval.


We extend access to our Ground Segment, fostering collaboration with external parties, small businesses, and universities. This inclusive approach creates opportunities for joint research and development endeavours in the field of space technology.

Oct 3, 2023